Let us take the confusion out of Medicare
When you reach 65 you are now faced with a new health insurance option: You are now eligible for Medicare. Contrary to what many think, Medicare isn't free and there are a variety of options available to meet your specific needs.
Medicare Parts A-D
Medicare is actually broken up into 4 parts:
Medicare Part A: Part A covers hospital care, skilled nursing, hospice and some home health care.
Medicare Part B: Part B covers doctor visits, preventive care, outpatient care and hospitals, and some home health care.
Medicare Part C: Part C is also known as a Medicare Advantage plan. These are Medicare health plans offered by private companies that contract with Medicare to provide you with all your Part A and Part B benefits.
Medicare Part D: Part D covers prescription drug plans.
Supplemental Plans
Get help with some of the out-of-pocket costs not paid for by Medicare with a Medicare Supplement Insurance plan (Medigap). Predictable low—or even no—copay plan options put the control of and planning for future medical expenses right where it belongs: with you.
Each plan has a letter assigned to it, and offers the same basic benefits. The basic benefit structure for each plan is the same, no matter which insurance company is selling it to you. Note: The letters assigned to Medicare Supplment plans are not the same things as the parts of Medicare. For example, Medicare Supplement Plan A is not the same as Medicare Part A (hospital insurance).
Medicare Supplement plans don't replace Original Medicare. Instead, Medicare Supplement plans work alongside your Original Medicare coverage to help cover some of the costs that you would normally have to pay for on your own. Let us help find the right supplemental coverage for your unique situation.